Medical science equipment. Shot in a laboratory by © Andrey Kiselev.

You have surely heard the term, ‘evidenced based,’ and most probably have a pretty accurate idea of what it means. But do you know exactly what it means? While evidence based has brought us many of the present day health care options, it continues to push us onwards beyond the mainstream paradigms into NEW paradigms.

After all, at one point or another, every great breakthrough has come about because it showed its effectiveness in achieving its aimed for goals. Can you remember back about 40-50 years ago when chiropractic was on the fringes? And yet, it is now commonplace for an individual or company to rely upon chiropractic as a part of their health plan.

Evidence based practices (a term coined by Dr. David Sackett are abounding all around us. One of the compelling methods making progress in shifting paradigms and introducing solid results is CranioSacral Therapy. In fact CST is a stellar example of what is referred to by professionals as Evidenced Based Practice, the practical application of evidenced based research and expertise.

Sitting for all to see on the Duke Library website is Sackett’s definition of EBP: EBP is “the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of the individual patient. It is the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence into the decision making process for patient care.

Clinical expertise refers to the clinician’s cumulated experience, education and clinical skills.

The patient brings to the encounter his or her own personal preferences and unique concerns, expectations, and values.

The best research evidence is usually found in clinically relevant research that has been conducted using sound methodology.” (Sackett D, 2002.)

CST is not only showing results coming to us through the trained clinicians’ recorded data- clinical expertise; but also proving its effectiveness in the research projects attentively relying upon the above mentioned ‘sound methodology.’

This is worthy of lifting your eyebrow and piquing your curiosity to learn more.

There are notably three ways a new method’s results are proven.

The first is the evaluation of a program never evaluated before. The pure canvas can be subjected to investigation without the muddiness of having been around for many years in diverse ways.

Second is antecedal evidence, that is testimonials from patients or clients showing desired results.

And third, research subjected to rigorous scientific methodology showing desired results, which in turn are usually published.

CST is showing up with greater and greater recorded success in a category effecting our nation by the millions- patients suffering early to late stage dementia.

YES, CST is actually showing improvement in those diagnosed with conditions that are determined to be going in only one direction- progressively worse.

This is an exciting time for CST as evidence is opening new doors of confidence for doctors and patients alike. CST is slowly being included in other senior health care programs like art therapy, healing touch, music therapy and more.

As evidence mounts, co

sts decrease and practitioners increase…and the health of our nation takes a turn for the better.

*For more information about upcoming research or to participate as a client or practitioner email: and put HP somewhere in the subject line.

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