Welcome To Preventing Alzheimers Mini Intensives and Certification Programs!

At PreventingAlzheimers.com, we understand the complexities of Alzheimer’s and offer tailored programs to support individuals and their caregivers at every stage of their journey. From early prevention to advanced care, our comprehensive solutions help manage and potentially slow the disease’s progression. Explore our programs to find the right fit for you:

Preventing Alzheimers PREMIUM Program

Ideal for individuals in the mid to later stages of Alzheimer’s, our Premium Program offers a holistic approach to treatment. Our mini-intensive program consists of three treatment days in a row, with two hours of dedicated care each day. With a team of 2-4 highly trained CranioSacral Therapists, our goal is to slow or even halt the progression of the disease. This program includes monthly virtual treatments and consultations for ongoing support. The Premium Program includes four mini-intensives a year.

Book your complimentary consultation to see if you are a good fit for the PREMIUM Program:

Preventing Alzheimers GOLD Program

Designed for those in the early to mid-stages of Alzheimer’s, our Gold Program includes two mini-intensive programs per year. These sessions help identify long-term factors contributing to the condition and offer support for concurrent health challenges. Monthly virtual follow-up sessions ensure continuous care and support.

Book your complimentary consultation to see if you are a good fit for the GOLD Program:

Preventing Alzheimers SILVER Program

Our Silver Program is ideal for individuals at risk or in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, as well as those interested in prevention. This program offers immediate relief, along with a personalized well-being plan for the future. The Silver Program includes one mini-intensive a year.

2-Day Layperson Training (CSLAD)

Join our virtual training program, CranioSacral Therapy for Longevity-Applications for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s and Dementia (CSLAD). Perfect for both laypersons and healthcare practitioners, this training equips you with simple CST techniques to support your loved ones at home.

One-on-One Virtual Appointments

Experience the benefits of CranioSacral Therapy with an individual appointment tailored to your needs. Ideal for initial conversations and sampling our therapy approach.

Caregiver Support Group

For caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, our support group focuses on nurturing the well-being of caregivers themselves. Join us on the first Monday of every month for valuable resources and community support.

30-Minute Consult

Still unsure which option is best for you? Schedule a free 30-minute consult with our experts to discuss your concerns and questions.

Monthly Zoom Calls

Join our monthly Zoom calls, where we discuss a range of topics related to memory care and overall well-being. Held on the first Thursday of every month, these calls are open to all interested individuals.

Committed To Your Care

At PreventingAlzheimers.com, we’re committed to providing personalized care and support to individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s. Take the first step towards a brighter future with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a mini-intensive?

The Intensive Programs are client centered, where we use a team of therapists who are guided by the healing inner wisdom of the client. Each team consists of the client, one primary therapist and several support therapists.

During the therapy program, each client receives deep intensive work with a team of therapists (Multi-hands). Working as a team can help accelerate results, create breakthroughs in the healing process, and can open the client up new possibilities that were not available before. Anyone can benefit from this program including those with: Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Developmental Delays, Traumatic Brain Injury, Immune System challenges and early onset of Alzheimer’s, and other therapeutic challenges.