Circulation of Cerebral Spinal Fluid
Upledger, John E, “The Expanding role of CerebralSpinal Fluid in Health and Disease.” (March 2002).

May, C., Kaye, J.A., AtackJ.R., Schapiro, M.D. , Friedla nd, R.P., & Rapoport, S.I. (1990). Cerebrospinal fluid production is reduced in healthy aging. Neurology 40(3,pt.1) 500-503

Silverberg, “Assessment of low-flow CSF drainage as a treatment for AD: results of a randomized pilot study” Neurology 59(8): 1139-45, 2002.

Rubenstein, E. ‘Relationship of senescence of cerebrospinal fluid circulation system to dementia of the aged’ Lancet 351, 283- (1998).

Studies in CranioSacral Therapy, Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Gerdner, L., et al. “Craniosacral Still Point Technique: Exploring its effects in individuals with dementia.” Journal of Gerotological Nursing. Vol 34, March (2008). Print.

Diet, Exercise and Inflammatory Processes in the Body and Brain

Ford, E.S ‘Does exercise reduce inflammation? Physical activity and C-reactive protein among U.S. adults’ Epidemiology  (2002).

R. A. Whitmer, “Type 2, Diabetes and Risk of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia,” Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports 7, no. 5 (September 2007): 373—80.

R. A. Whitmer et. Al, “Central Obesity and Increased Risk of Dementia Three Decades Later,” Neurology 71, no. 14 (September 30, 2008): 1057—64.

Additional References:

For additional references refer to bibliography-The BodyEnergy Lonevity Prescription-How CranioSacral Therapy Helps Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia While Improving the Quality of Your Life

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